YA Books Discussion: ‘Chaos Walking’ and ‘Mortal Engines’

The Knife of Never Letting Go coverThe Ask and the Answer coverMonsters of Men book coverA Web of Air book cover

The podcast takes a literary turn as we discuss the latest in young adult literature, in particular Patrick Ness‘s award winning Chaos Walking trilogy, and A Web of Air, Philip Reeve‘s second prequel to Mortal Engines. For the first time, we’re joined by our friend Claire Fayers, writer and children’s literature aficionado extraordinaire!

Note: Apologies for the sound quality – we recorded this podcast over lunch in a café, and there was a fair bit of background noise, which we’ve done our best to remove in editing!

One thought on “YA Books Discussion: ‘Chaos Walking’ and ‘Mortal Engines’

  1. Pingback: Author Interview: Philip Reeve | Impossible Podcasts

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