Doctor Who Spoiler-free Teasers – ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’

You can also listen to Caleb’s spoiler-free review of ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’!

10 Clues and Teaser about ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’:

1. Some time has passed since the end of A Good Man Goes to War.

2. The opening shot is similar to one in series 5, but not for long!

3. There may be someone new taking a trip in the TARDIS…

4. The Doctor’s fame has spread even further, but not everyone is as hostile as the Clerics.

5. We find out why the Titanic sank.

6. Alex Kingston steals some clothes. And most of the scenes she’s in.

7. Some familiar faces are glimpsed, and they don’t make the Doctor happy.

8. The Beano may have been the inspiration for one plot thread!

9. The Doctor’s death is a fixed point in time, apparently.

10. Remember, the Doctor lies. And so does Steven Moffat.