Doctor Who Commentary – 7.2 ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship’

Queen Nefertiti, Amy and Ravell looking at a screenCaleb, Sarah and Emma sink their critical teeth into Dinosaurs on a Spaceship in true velociraptor fashion! But will the friendly triceratops of entertainment survive the attacks of the bounty hunter of dodgy gender politics?

Tortured metaphors aside, we discuss the importance of characterisation, the almost-return of the Silurians, and the alarming possibility of Chris Chibnall as Doctor Who showrunner. Listen now to what we had to say!


And once you’ve listened to our opinions, let us know what you think in the comments, or by email, Twitter or Facebook.

Doctor Who Spoiler-Free Preview – 7.2 ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship’

Doctor Who - Dinosaurs on a SpaceshipCaleb and Sarah preview Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, episode 2 of the new series of Doctor Who, written by Chris Chibnall, as our series 7 coverage continues – don’t forget to download our Asylum of the Daleks commentary and read our review!

With a great guest cast including Arthur Weasley, Argus Filch, Inspector Lestrade and Mitchell & Webb (also known as Mark Williams, David Bradley, Rupert Graves and, er, Mitchell & Webb), the Doctor assembles a motley gang to investigate dinosaurs… on a spaceship!

But is the entertainment factor of said prehistoric creatures be undermined by flaws in the characterisation? We give our first impressions, and a drop a few hints and teasers about what’s ahead.


If you want a few more hints, read on…

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