Video Games Review – ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’

Ready for a blast from the past? As SEGA’s champion celebrates his 20th birthday, video games industry insider Christopher Bell looks back to the game that started it all and wonders if Sonic can ever regain his winning streak. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below!

June 23rd, 1991.  After an in-house contest to design a new mascot, SEGA finally had something that could give Mario a run (pun intended) for his money.  Poor old Alex Kidd was given his marching orders and replaced by an impatient, sapphire speed demon by the name of Sonic.  Although SEGA eventually lost the console war against Nintendo’s SNES, the once chasm-sized difference in market share narrowed to a spine’s breadth.  At one point, he was as popular as Mickey Mouse, with a huge range of merchandise (books, ring binders, plush dolls and even ketchup!), a Macy’s Day balloon and a gene (one that controls the development of your digits and organisation of your brain) to his name.

Now, 20 years later and on the verge of a Star Trek-esque anniversary reboot; Sonic the Hedgehog, this is your life…

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