We’re on Twitter!

You can now follow A Podcast of Impossible Things on Twitter! We’ll be using it to comment on the latest Who news and goings-on, as well as linking to our latest podcasts.

Torchwood – Dare we Watch it Again?

The trailer for series 3 of Torchwood (“Children Of Earth”) is out now and can be found here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/torchwood/

You can also sign up for an RSS feed to receive updates as they happen.

Now we at A Podcast Of Impossible Things have never really been fans of Who’s first fully fledged spin-off. In fact, we’d rather sit on rusty nails than watch that sex-gas episode again. Which should give you some idea of just how valiant and selfless we are when we tell you we might be willing to endure all that misery and disappointment again (yes, even “Cyberwoman”) for your sakes.

So here’s the point – do you want to see us start a series of Torchwood commentaries?

We put the question to the audience at last November’s Whoniversal Appeal conference, and the answer was a resounding “Yes!”. But what do you, our regular listeners, want to hear?

Let us know what you think. We’ve got a few ideas for mixing up the format of the commentaries a bit, so it could prove to be real fun, but it’ll only happen if you’re sufficiently vocal!

Doctor Who: 1.03 "The Unquiet Dead"

Join us for the first part of our belated Christmas celebrations as we look back at series 1’s seasonal ghost story, The Unquiet Dead, in which Charles Dickens helps the the Doctor defeat the ghostly Gelth at Christmas. We also look forward to The Next Doctor, the 2008 Christmas Special!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb and Swithun


The Sarah Jane Adventures 2.10 “Enemy of the Bane” Part Two

The series finale of The Sarah Jane Adventures – but what do the Podcast of Impossible Things team think of it? Is this the most disappointing story of the current series? Will the Brig return to Doctor Who proper? And will Luke ever have a haircut?

This edition’s commentators: Peter, Beverley, Caleb, and Swithun. [Meet the Team]


The Sarah Jane Adventures 2.09 “Enemy of the Bane”

Sarah Jane teams up with her old friend Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart as she faces her old enemy Miss- sorry, Mrs Wormwood in not the Revenge of– no, wait, Enemy of the Bane. We discuss the series so far of The Sarah Jane Adventures, plus faces from the past, the dangers of nostalgia and overloaded finales!

This edition’s commentators: Beverley, Caleb, James and Swithun. [Meet the Team]


Russell T Davies Signing Special + Whoniversal Appeal Preview

A live report from the Cardiff signing of The Writer’s Tale, the new book by Russell T Davies and Benjamin Cook going behind the scenes of series 4 of Doctor Who. We review the book, talk to the fans, and have a very special guest appearance by the big man himself!

A transcript of Caleb’s interview in February 2007 with Russell T Davies for Quench Magazine is available on his blog, A Journal of Impossible Things.

Plus, we interview Melissa Beattie, organiser of the upcoming Whoniversal Appeal academic conference at Cardiff University. A Podcast of Impossible Things will be taking part in and reporting on the event. To find out more about Whoniversal Appeal and to book a place, visit http://www.dedoc.net/WhoniversalAppeal/.
