Doctor Who – ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ – Q&A with Steven Moffat

Photo by Dave Parsons

Doctor Who is back! Our full-length commentary will be online later this week but, to tide you over, here’s something a little bit special. WARNING: contains some spoilers about a returning monster!

Our very own Caleb Woodbridge had the chance to question Steven Moffat, Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan at the recent preview screening for ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’, held at the British Film Institute in London. Find out how the showrunner keeps his stories straight, his approach to the mythology of the Doctor and, most importantly, why they really keep killing Rory.

The secrets of the universe lie within this podcast.* Can you afford to live without it?

*As long as you consider Karen Gillan’s favourite outfit of the series one of the secrets of the universe.

Doctor Who – Moffat Bingo! – Your Chance to Take Part

It’s time to play Moffat Bingo! With Series 6b almost upon us, we’re finally making good on an old promise and compiling a list of the Moff’s most enduring tropes to see how many of them turn up in the new episodes. And we want YOU, faithful podcast fans, to help us!

Simply visit our Facebook page, post your suggestions on the wall and we’ll add the best (and funniest) to our patent-pending Moffat Bingo card, which will be posted here on the blog so you can play along at home. See how many tropes you can tick off per episode! (I feel a drinking game coming on…)

Here are a couple to start you off…

1. The Doctor adopts a new form of headgear

2. A Classic monster receives a controversial (and largely unnecessary) redesign

3. We meet a character who knows more about the Doctor’s future than the Doctor does

4. Alex Kingston regenerates into Julia Sawalha

Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea!

Click here for our Facebook page.

Doctor Who – ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ Spoiler-free Review

Direct from the BFI screening, Caleb Woodbridge brings us his spoiler-free review of ‘Let’s Kill Hitler‘, the first episode of the autumn run of Doctor Who!

As the Doctor, Amy and Rory search for Melody Pond, they find the TARDIS hijacked! Arriving in Berlin, 1938, they discover they aren’t the only time-travellers present and that Hitler isn’t the worst war criminal on the loose…

I was lucky enough to get a ticket to the BFI screening of Let’s Kill Hitler in the two hours before they sold out. The screen was packed with fans and press, who laughed and cheered and whooped in all the right places. Scattered around the room were various Doctor Who cast and crew, from Michael Pickwoad the producting designer, to writer Phil Ford, Doctor Who Magazine editor Tom Spilsbury and many others of the great and the good. And, of course, Steven Moffat, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill – though sadly not Matt Smith, who is busy filming another series.

We’ll have more on the screening and Q&A soon, but now you can hear my first spoiler-free reactions to the episode! Hit play or click download to hear my review.

You can also read my 10 hints and teasers about Let’s Kill Hitler, and we’ll have our usual podcast commentary online after the show airs on BBC1!

Doctor Who Spoiler-free Teasers – ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’

You can also listen to Caleb’s spoiler-free review of ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’!

10 Clues and Teaser about ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’:

1. Some time has passed since the end of A Good Man Goes to War.

2. The opening shot is similar to one in series 5, but not for long!

3. There may be someone new taking a trip in the TARDIS…

4. The Doctor’s fame has spread even further, but not everyone is as hostile as the Clerics.

5. We find out why the Titanic sank.

6. Alex Kingston steals some clothes. And most of the scenes she’s in.

7. Some familiar faces are glimpsed, and they don’t make the Doctor happy.

8. The Beano may have been the inspiration for one plot thread!

9. The Doctor’s death is a fixed point in time, apparently.

10. Remember, the Doctor lies. And so does Steven Moffat.

Doctor Who – A Good Man Goes to War – Review

Amy and Melody Pond

James Willetts reviews the mid-series finale, with a somewhat less positive take than that of this week’s commentary team. Who do you agree with? Let us know in the comments!

If the first half of the episode was all about building the Doctor to be an all-destroying Action Hero, crushing everything in his path, the second was all about drawing him back from that path.

I’ve written a couple of times this season about my unease at the way the Doctor seems to solve problems with battles, and I’m glad that it was addressed here. I recognise that there is an intrinsic problem in television in showing conflict-resolution which doesn’t involve stuff blowing up. The problem many people have with much of Star Trek is the endless diplomacy. No one wants to see the Doctor changing people through dialogue and mediation with no running around and shouting. That’s boring, even if it is a better, more realistic route.

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Doctor Who Commentary – 6.07 ‘A Good Man Goes to War’

River Song’s identity is finally revealed as ‘A Good Man Goes To War’! The Doctor and the Last Centurion, otherwise known as Rory Williams, husband to a kidnapped wife, father to an abducted daughter, go chasing after Amy and Melody Pond.

Find out what we thought of the latest developments in the Moffat Master Plan in our commentary!

This edition’s commentators: Caleb, Peter, and Swithun.