About Sarah Burrow

Sarah came to Cardiff of her own free will in 2007 and hasn't managed to escape yet. Her university years saw her become President of the Harry Potter society, develop a fondness for vampires and a taste for red wine. She may have done a bit of studying as well, though she firmly denies this. Although Harry Potter remains her first love, she has become an enthusiastic fan of New Who. She is comfortable with her knowledge of Silurian and Slitheen but she is happy to let the others deal with the old monsters from the days of papier mache and spell-o-tape...sorry sellotape. Sarah is a fan of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and dystopian series and is occasionally led astray by police procedurals. She is a regular on the podcast although has no idea how she got there! When not indulging her geek habit she works as an Occupational Therapist in her spare time.

Doctor Who Commentary – 5.07 ‘Amy’s Choice’

Join Swithun Dobson, Sarah Burrow and Caleb Woodbridge as Doctor Who goes all wibbly-wobbly, dreamy-weamy.

As the TARDIS crew are forced to choose between two competing realities, we ask why the show doesn’t do more of these “format breaker” episodes. Plus, we assess the emotional see-saw that is Amy’s love life, the dark side of the Doctor and re-examine the start of a phenomenon – Rory kicking the bucket.

Join us, for all this and more!


Doctor Who Commentary – 5.06 ‘The Vampires of Venice’

Caleb Woodbridge, P G Bell and Sarah Burrow face the Vampires of Venice in our latest Doctor Who commentary!

We discuss vital questions such as, what is the Doctor thinking with his matchmaking techniques? How much does this story fall prey to “time tourism” syndrome? Are alien fish creatures an acceptable substitute for real vampires? All this and much more!


Harry Potter – From Page to Screen and Beyond

We’ve been promising you this for ages, and here it is at last – an in-depth discussion of the boy wizard.

Our resident expert Sarah Burrow is joined by special guest Suzie Nockles (last heard in our Hunger Games episode) to assess the sprawling universe that is the Harry Potter phenomenon.

Just what made J.K. Rowling’s books so successful and did their big screen adaptations actually improve on them?  Could the Pottermore website have yet more surprises in store for fans? Hogwarts may have conquered Florida’s theme parks but will it fare as well in Japan? And was Dumbledore gay just because J.K. Rowling says he was?

All this and more, in the latest Impossible Podcast!


Doctor Who Commentary – 5.04 ‘The Time of Angels’

The Weeping Angel, coming out of a television screen

Caleb Woodbridge and Sarah Burrow go back to commentate on The Time of Angels, the story which reintroduced River Song and the Weeping Angels for the Steven Moffat era. With the Angels returning for Amy and Rory’s departure from the show in the autumn, does it hold any clues to the future?

You can read what our very own James Willetts thought of the episode at the time in his Time of Angels review. And in wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey fashion, we recorded our commentary on Flesh and Stone, the second half of the story, back in 2010 when it first aired.


Points of Who #5 – Harry Potter Set Tour

Join Caleb Woodbridge, Sarah Burrow and P.G. Bell as they deliver our monthly round-up of news, rumours and feedback.

It’s been another busy month. With Doctor Who filming on both sides of the Atlantic, we discuss the on-set pics and wonder how long we can avoid the major spoiler that leaked out this week. (Don’t worry – we give nothing away).

JK Rowling, creator of Harry Potter, announced the title of her new adult crime novel – The Casual Vacancy. We wonder what it all means and take a detour into Pottermore, the official home of the Harry Potter e-books.

And while we’re on the subject of the boy wizard, Sarah got to preview The Making of Harry Potter set tour in London recently, and gives us her expert verdict. You’ll find a few pics of her adventures after the jump below, or visit our Facebook page to see the whole album.

All this and more in the latest Points of Who!

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Game of Thrones – From Page to Screen

Join Caleb Woodbridge, Sarah Burrow and – making his debut on the podcast – Kieran Mathers as they tackle George RR Martin’s epic fantasy sequence.

After an in-depth discussion of the books, including their use of history and magic, the team turns a ciritcal eye on the smash hit HBO series. Where did it succeed? Where did it fail? And how should Season 2 (and Season 3) move forward? All this, plus the burning question: do too many lesbian prostitutes spoil the broth?

PLEASE NOTE: The first 30 minutes of the podcast are spoiler free, but there are significant spoilers for the rest of the running time. You have been warned!
